
I feel extremely lucky to have met David Spurdens.  He’s a sports and aviation photographer – a very good one at that.

Dave offered me the opportunity to work with him on a photo shoot a few years ago in the Alps and we’ve worked together ever since.

It’s like a dream job for me – I get to run around doing the things I love and I get paid for the privilege!

Fitting in perfectly with my Everest trainning , just a week before returning to the UK, Dave has been over to the mountains and we were able to get some shots done.

Capturing the perfect running shot can take a whole afternoon.  For me it’s like interval training.  Bursts of sprints along a decided route, then a walk back to the start point to go again… and again… and again, until the shot is just right.

Squash having a lovely run in the mountains!

You may have heard about or experienced for yourself the distinct lack of snow in the Alps this year, the planned ‘skiing powder shots’ became ‘ski posing shots’!…

Skiing/posing it's all the same thing!

In my own experience there has to be a friendship or a certain rapport between a photographer and subject.  I think you can see the difference in the photos.  When I’m smiling or grinning in a shot you can bet 9 times out of 10 it’s because Dave has said something that I couldn’t possibly repeat on this blog!

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